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University Archives and Special Collections at Xavier


The administrative responsibilities for University Archives and Special Collections include policy, maintenance, use, and disposition of archival materials and rare books. The University Archives and Special Collections staff adhere to the highest level of professional ethics in the handling of all archival and special collection materials. They fully support the preservation and integrity of the collections, expedite free access to materials (unless otherwise restricted), provide service-oriented reference assistance, and respect the confidentiality of users.

Making a Research Appointment

  • University Archives and Special Collections is open by appointment only. Researchers must complete the User Registration Form to request an appointment. UASC Staff will respond to the request with information regarding appointment and scheduling availability.
  • Research appointments are not available between 12pm-1pm.
  • The Archives Research Room is located in McDonald Library, room 309.
  • Researchers must request specific materials to view ahead of their visit. To request specific materials, review collection information or rare books and complete the User Registration Form.
    • Materials are viewed at a box level, so only list each box once on the form.
    • Refer to the finding aid’s container inventory in order to identify specific boxes.
    • Enter the title and call number if using a rare book.
    • Researchers are permitted to request up to three boxes or volumes at a time.
  • UASC staff will email you to confirm that your registration form has been received and provide information regarding appointment and scheduling availability.
  • To request reproductions, complete the reproduction request form.

Access Restrictions Note

Unpublished university administrative records created more than 40 years ago may be used by any internal office, or by external researchers, with the permission of UASC staff or the creating office (or the creating office’s divisional leader), unless specifically restricted.

Unpublished university administrative records created within the last 40 years may be used only with the permission of the creating office (or the creating office’s divisional leader). Researchers requesting permission to restricted materials should contact UASC staff to facilitate access.

Published Materials are open to any member of the Xavier community or external researchers. Examples of published materials include rare books, yearbooks, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, brochures, public web sites, and more.

While most faculty, staff, student and alumni papers will be made available for research, they may be subject to access restrictions set by individual donors or due to other considerations such as FERPA.

Research Assistance

University Archives and Special Collections is happy to provide reference assistance to all users, with scheduled onsite patrons receiving first priority. UASC staff are able to provide reference assistance by mail, telephone, and email, but please understand that due to staffing constraints, we are not able to provide in–depth research services. All remote research inquiries are limited to 30 minutes. If your request requires additional time, UASC can provide information on hiring on-site research assistance. Questions are addressed in the order in which they are received, and response time will vary. In all reference requests, please include your name and complete contact information, as well as your specific question and any sources you may have already used. Send requests to