This database provides information on public and private companies worldwide, company financials, M&A/financing transactions, public offerings, corporate executives' and board of directors' compensation, news, filings, screening tools, chart builder, real-time market data, relationship tree, macroeconomic data, industry analyses, and investment research.
Access information:
This database requires an individual account. Active account holders, access Capital IQ.
New users, please read how to create an account:
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To create your account, access Capital IQ and select "New User?".
Enter your Xavier email and select "Submit".
You will receive an email from to complete your account registration. Select "Register to Access S&P Capital IQ".
Select your role (student, faculty, or staff), and enter your contact information. Select "Register".
You will receive an email from confirming your account. You will need to reset your password at this time.
Once you have set your password, login to Capital IQ.