No need to retype citations! Faculty can use Zotero to capture their scholarship from Exhibit, the University's institutional repository. The complete captured citations can be exported from Zotero as a RIS or BibTeX file and imported directly into Interfolio Faculty 180.
Search for or navigate to the scholarship you want to capture and use the Zotero browser connector to save it to Zotero.
In Zotero, make any needed changes or additions to the metadata. Then select all of the scholarship you want to import into Faculty 180 (Ctrl+click to select multiple individual items or Shift+click to select a multiples in order).
Right-click on the items and select "Export Items" from the context menu.
Select RIS or BibTeX from the drop down menu, then select "Ok." Save the file to your computer. This is the file you will use to import your scholarship into Faculty 180. Refer to Faculty 180 documentation for instructions on how to import your newly created file.