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Study Abroad - Greece

Xavier University's Greece Summer Study Abroad Information.


Delphi was a sacred place of pilgrimage in antiquity that contained the most important oracle of Apollo. It enjoyed a place of prominence in antiquity and drew pilgrims from all over the ancient world, Greek and non-Greek, rich and poor. Apollo's answers were not always well understood (see, for the example, the cases of Croesus and Oedipus), but few dared to make an important move without first consulting the god through his human vessel, the Pythia.

Marmaria (a.k.a. Tholos of the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, or the Pronaia) -Please click the link for a brief introduction the gateway of Delphi, the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia and the Gymnasium. 

Castalian Spring - This Livius website LINK Here provides some context for this sacred body of water used by pilgrims to purify themselves before entering the sanctuary to consult the god. Drink from the spring, legend holds, and you will return to Greece. 

Everyone filled their water bottles or drank from the Castalian spring last year - here are a few and the Delphi dog that joined us. 

Delphi and the Oracle of Apollo:

This Khan Academy video below (5:13) is an important overview on the importance of the oracle at Delphi, the Pythia and how the god was consulted, the Treasuries and the transactional relationship between humans and gods.

This short articlefrom this Website (Link to Website) hits all the high points someone learning about and seeing Delphi for the first time needs to know to appreciate the rich history and sacredness of the site.

Delphi Museum:

Our guide will point out several important artifacts in this small but impressive museum. There are two pieces I would like you to know about in advance, the statues of Cleobis and Biton, and the Bronze Charioteer.

This Khan Academy Essay (Website Link Here) focuses on the kouros statues of Kleobis and Biton, two young men mentioned by the ancient historian Herodotus who were honored by their city Argos for their strength and duty to their mother.

The Khan Academy video above focuses on the Bronze Charioteer. 

More important artifacts in the museum can be found here at this Website (Link to Website) but the two above are truly exceptional.



The Delphi Guide (Link to Website)  founded and maintained by a tech wizard who calls Delphi home. One of his accomplishments is an interactive map and virtual tour, which you can find here (Link to Website)The south entrance, west side, and sanctuary itself are live - he's working on the rest.

If you want to keep up with events and news about Delphi, sign up for the Delphi Guide!