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Study Abroad - Greece

Xavier University's Greece Summer Study Abroad Information.

Kerameikos, Mt. Philopappos, Pynx


Mt. Philopappos is a monument you will see from the Hotel Candia (Website LINK) roof to the right (from the hotel's view) of the Acropolis. It lights up first at night. The monument itself is worth climbing the hill to see - Read this short description (Website Link)  for background on who had the monument built and why.

(Saint Demetrius the Bombardier) is a Byzantine church that gets its name from a 17th century plan by the Turks to use a large canon (loumbarda) to bomb St. Dimitrios - read here (Website Link)for how the plan literally backfired on the Turks. Inside there is a squat ancient column that props up the altar and a section of the city walls built by Themistocles.

The video above is someone's homemade video(1:25) of the outside - very nice, but I don't get the dramatic music.

The picture here is of two students in the church from Greece 2007:


Not only is the above video (6:56) useful for what it shows and says about the Kerameikos as an important area of potters and ancient cemetery, it also presents information on the Eleusinian Mysteries, which students in CLAS 241 will find reinforces the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. The Kerameikos was outside ancient Athens proper, and you will see off to east one of the main gates into the city (Dipylon Gate), and next to it the Sacred Gate that leads down the Sacred Way to the city of Eleusis.

I like this video (4:23) even more for the Kerameikos because it pronounces the word correctly. It also mentions pomegranates and the myth of Persephone - and the Themistoklean Wall, which allowed Athens to become a powerful democracy. Below is a picture showing how Themistokles' strategy of surrounding Athens with a fortification wall and running the walls down to its most important harbor, the Piraeus. Because of these walls, ships were able to supply Athens with food and other provisions even during war. You'll see parts of the Themistoklean Wall in lots of basements of shops near the city center, and in the Kerameikos. (BTW: Themistocles is also a common spelling - there is no "c" in Greek, so the "k" makes more sense, but you'll see both spellings.)