This library guide offers resources about writing across the curriculum (WAC) and about writing in the disciplines (WID) for Xavier faculty who are teaching a Writing Flag course or preparing to submit the proposal. Each of the three primary requirements for the Writing Flag is outlined in more detail below. Following the details about the requirements are links to web pages, videos, handouts, and other resources that will help faculty to understand and to meet the requirements of the Writing Flag. Check back for additional material as we will continue to update the guide regularly.
The current core requires students to complete one course with the Writing Flag to graduate. The course carries the flag, and any flagged course will satisfy the core requirement. Because core requirements do not specify number of hours for a Writing Flag course, we welcome proposals from all courses (including laboratory, internship, or practicum/clinical courses) that meet the requirements.
Direct questions to any member of the Writing Flag Committee:
Wendy Maxian--Chair (COMM), Steve Mills (CHEM), Stacey Raj (PSYC), Renea Frey (ENGL), Amy Whipple (HIST), Mia Rivolta (FINC)
The Writing Flag committee discourages requests for the flag to be applied to courses that are already completed. The reasons for this are threefold.
1. We believe that the Writing Flag should be awarded to courses where the process of writing and the discursive methodology of the discipline are intentionally included in course design and where assignments are chosen to fulfill specific SLOs.
2. The committee is uncomfortable awarding credit after the fact because we cannot certify that the course as taught previously satisfied the requirements.
3. The committee feels that awarding retroactive credit opens a door that would allow students/advisors to seek credits for courses taught many years past. There is no precedent for flag committees at Xavier to award flags retroactively.
Nevertheless, the committee recognizes that there are cases where exceptions are warranted. In these cases, faculty teaching the course can apply for retroactive flag credit by describing the course, providing documentation showing that the course met all of the requirements for the Writing Flag, and explaining the circumstances that necessitate the exception. This document should be approved by the department chair or program director and sent directly to the chair of the Writing Flag committee. The chair will circulate the application to the members of the committee, and they will come to a decision. Faculty applying for retroactive credit should be aware that retroactive credits will only be awarded in rare cases, and the decision is at the committees discretion only.