This database requires a username and password.
To access, click database link here.
Please review the following information for help logging in to this resource:
To access the Safari platform, you will need to create an account using your Xavier email.
To create an account, below the "Select your institution" drop down menu, select "Institution Not Listed?"
Enter your Xavier email address, and select "Let's Go". YOU MUST TYPE IN YOUR EMAIL. DO NOT USE AUTOFILL.
After entering your email address, you will receive an email from O’Reilly to confirm your account.
Select “Finish Creating Your Free Account” and choose a password. You now have complete access to the platform.
To login to an existing account, below the "Select your institution" drop down menu, select "Institution Not Listed?"
Next, select "Already a user? Click here."
Enter your login credentials and select "Sign In".
You now have complete access to the platform.