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Road To Xavier: Plagiarism for Students: Understanding and Avoiding: More Types of Academic Dishonesty

Beyond the Basics

Beyond the Basics

There are other types of academic dishonesty than shown in the previous tab. 

Types of Academic Dishonesty

Types of Academic Dishonesty

  • Cheating: “i.e. submitting someone else’s writing as one’s own”

  • Non-Attribution: “i.e. copying paragraphs from a source but failing to provide within-text citations and put quotation marks around the parts that have been copied”

  • Patchwriting: “i.e. using within-text citations but including paragraphs that are not taken word-for-word from a source but contain copied sentences or parts of sentences, frequently with some minor changes in the structure, word order or word choice”

A summary of Dr. Rebecca Howard’s definitions, from Curcic, Maja and Georgi Boychev. “Patchwriting in Professional and Student Texts.” Project Report. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2 Aug. 2012.

Is it Plagiariam, or is it not?

More Types of Plagiarism

This chart introduces more complexity to the notion of academic honesty, showing there are many challenges writers face when incorporating sources. This chart is more complex and asks writers to consider more about how they’re using their sources.