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Marketing 300 Research Assignment

DemographicsNow research guide

Report Types

There are three types of reports available from DemographicsNow: Comparison, Summary, and Rank.

  • A Comparison Report displays data for multiple geographies in columns, so you can easily see how geographies compare to one another. For this report, you can analyze up to 16 areas.
  • A Summary Report delivers demographic information on a single geographic area or on a group of geographic areas summarized into a single value. If you select more than one location for review, a summary report will reflect the total for the selected places.
  • A Rank Report sorts selected locations based on a single demographic variable, from high to low. You can rank up to 1000 locations.

All reports may be exported to a PDF, Excel, or Word document.

To learn more about the various reports available, please view the Demographic Reports Overview.

Demographic Reports

In this video, we will look at how to retrieve a Complete Demographic Summary Report.

Psychographic Reports

Mosaic Reports provide information about the demographics, values, and opinions of people in the selected location. In this video, we will look at how to retrieve a Mosaic Details Chart report.


The following video provides an overview of how to interpret a Mosaic cluster profile.


This Product Guide provides additional information on how to interpret data included in Mosaic profiles.

To learn more about the data used in Mosaic Reports and to view all profiles available, review the Mosaic Handbook.