At this point, you may be overwhelmed with all of the options for doing research in the library. Don't be! Research skills take time to learn and do well. If you're feeling frustrated and need help, reach out to the librarians using the Roadside Assistance tab in this guide.
If you need a break from your research, check out some of these other cool things you can do at the library!
Visit the makerspace on the first floor of the library to use the 3D printers, laser etcher, VR lab, gadgets, and arts and crafts.
Your mental health and physical well-being are important and the library has items to help you take care of yourself! Check out board games, jigsaw puzzles, coloring books, sun lamps, fans, and more.
Study, participate in an online class or meeting, or work on a project in one of the CLC's group study rooms. Reserve your space here.
The library has a contest each year for who can create the best Edible Book! Join us for this popular activity in April.
Check out fiction, cookbooks, graphic novels, and movies for something fun to read and watch.