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Access Information - CAS SciFinder-n

Access Instructions

This database requires you to create an account. Please use your email address. 

Account Access Issues: Some accounts have been deactivated due to lack of use and will need to be reactivated. If you receive an error message upon login that access is not authorized for your account, contact CAS SciFinder-n Support at or 1-800-753-4227, or report an issue to the Xavier Help Desk.

After you submit the completed registration form, CAS sends you an email message with instructions for completing the registration process.  

For detailed registration instructions, please see the following Word document:

Platform Update

CAS SciFinder-n is the new interface for SciFinder. Starting July 1st, 2022, access to the classic SciFinder platform will be discontinued. For more information about CAS SciFinder-n and training materials, please see the following resources:


If you have questions or trouble accessing this resource, please Open a Ticket. Xavier University Library Logo